
Chair Exercises

These exercises can easily be done between video game levels or right from your desk at work: Hand and Finger Stretches The simplest desk exercises are hand and finger stretches. Typing for long periods is known to cause repetitive strain injuries and tendinitis. Hand and finger stretches increase the range of motion and relieve stiff joints. Make a fist and hold it for 30-60 seconds. Open your palm and spread your fingers wide. Complete at least 4 repetitions with each…

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Breaking Barriers: A Fight for More Accessible Healthcare

Healthcare is a fundamental human right, however, for individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD), access to necessary medical care is often limited or unattainable. Individuals with IDD frequently face distinct challenges in obtaining healthcare from childhood well into adulthood.  Individuals with IDD face significant healthcare disparities, particularly those from minority or low-income backgrounds, who are often underserved due to limited access to quality healthcare despite representing a substantial portion of the U.S. population (estimated between 3-5%) with such needs.…

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Everyone Can Exercise: A Guide to Physical Fitness for Physical Disabilities

A physical disability does not mean you cannot lead a healthy, active life. Maintaining your health by staying active provides miraculous benefits to the body. For those experiencing physical disabilities, it can aid in overall wellness such as mental health, muscle strength, and mobility. If you are new to physical therapy or a seasoned learner, this blog aims to provide exercise ideas, adaptive sports options, and lifestyle tips for those with physical disabilities. Individuals with physical disabilities can experience barriers…

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Accessible Public Transportation is a Right, Not a Privilege

Access to public transportation is a fundamental resource utilized to get to and from wherever you’re going, regardless of class or ability. However, for individuals with disabilities, public transportation is more than just that; it’s a lifeline. While a large percentage of individuals with disabilities drive themselves, nearly 15% of older adults and 32% of younger adults with disabilities still use public transportation. Access to these services allows them to gain greater mobility and independence in their daily lives. In…

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