AccessAbility is participating in a joint project with an acclaimed travel writer, M. Gallagher (Accessible Guides).
The project focus is accessibility in the city of Charleston. The input gathered will contribute to developing a complete and accurate picture of the Holy City from your perspective.
Have you ever had plans for enjoying historic Charleston, which was impeded by a lack of accessibility? If so, we would like to raise awareness by identifying the successes and challenges of navigating the Holy City for you or someone you care for. Our goal is to identify and promote areas of access for all.
We are AccessAbility a non-profit Center for Independent Living focused on advocating, educating, and empowering people with disabilities to live independently.
Through collaborative efforts with Accessible Guides, we have developed a survey to help us identify what you really think of the Charleston area. We want to know if you find the Holy City accessible to you and your loved ones. In addition, we would like you to share your thoughts regarding what might be done to improve your experience. We also want to hear from those who have had positive experiences.
Thank you very much for participating in this survey, we look forward to your support.