Credit: National Council on Independent Living.
The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) is on its way to the President’s desk!
As we previously reported, leaders from the House and Senate have introduced the bipartisan and bicameral Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act. The Senate passed WIOA on June 25th by a vote of 95-3. Today the House Passed WIOA by a vote of 415-6.
It is time to celebrate, and to come together as advocates from across the nation to learn exactly what these changes will mean for IL at the Federal level.
The best place to accomplish both is at NCIL’s 2014 Annual Conference on Independent Living this month. We will be hosting some amazing speakers and presenters.
The Rehabilitation Act is contained in WIOA. Specifically, improvements to Independent Living in this bill include:
- Independent Living Programs will move to the Administration for Community Living (ACL) within the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
- A fifth core service will be added: transition
- SILC activities will be improved and include resource development
- SPIL sign-off will now include CIL Directors
- States will choose their ‘designated state entity’ (formerly known as the DSU). The DSUs will remain the same for the “723 states” of Massachusetts and Minnesota.
We will keep you informed on the bill being signed by the president.