NLS has agreed to partner with the Bureau of Engraving and Printing (BEP) in distributing its currency readers. The readers are free and only will read U.S. currency. BEP began distributing the currency readers at the National Federation of the Blind conference in Orlando, Florida, last week. BEP also plans to distribute currency readers at the American Council of the Blind conference in Las Vegas, Nevada, next week, and at the Blinded Veterans Association conference in Las Vegas in August.
NLS is scheduled to begin distributing currency readers to patrons who are blind or visually impaired later this year. However, we are already receiving calls requesting the device. Network libraries will likely begin receiving such calls. When you do, please make a note of the patrons’ names and addresses. Only registered patrons may obtain currency readers before December 31, 2014. In January 2015, the program will open to all residents and U.S. citizens living abroad who are blind or visually impaired.
NLS is working with Data Management to revise Webnet so that libraries will be able to request currency readers for their patrons. When the changes to Webnet are complete, NLS will notify libraries. You may then enter previously received and all subsequent requests for currency readers.
Patrons requesting a currency reader should be informed that the devices will not be available until late fall but that their name and address will be kept on file so that a reader can be sent when it becomes available.
Thank you for your cooperation and assistance.