The Independent Living Movement was founded by individuals with disabilities who promoted their civil rights by means of intense and dedicated communication with local, state, and national stakeholders . Advocacy is about effectively communicating your desires and protecting your rights. AccessAbility facilitates and promotes self-advocacy, individual advocacy, and community and systems advocacy. Whether it is done individually or with others, advocacy leads to problem solving, removing barriers, increasing quality of life, creating innovative programs, and influencing the decisions of your public policy makers, which leads to a better quality of life.
Peer Support
Peer counselors are individuals with disabilities who provide support to consumers based on their individual knowledge and experience. Consumer control is vital in the independent living philosophy. Peer support provides an opportunity for people with disabilities to learn from one another. Support and encouragement are often building blocks to reaching your goals. We believe that individuals with disabilities can empower others by sharing resources, knowledge of living with a disability, or simply enjoying a recreational event together.
Independent Living Skills Training
Peer counselors work with consumers in learning individual basic skills to assist with achieving their goals. AccessAbility believes that people with disabilities have the right to enhance their skills and be fully integrated in their community. If you are motivated and ready to gain your greatest independence, we are ready to assist you in developing your individualized independent living plan.
Information and Referral
Anyone can receive information and be referred to a variety of resources given by the AccessAbility staff. We want to help you gain more knowledge about the programs and services provided by other organizations, government agencies, and businesses to increase your independence. If you have concerns relating to a disability issue, please contact the AccessAbility office. The staff keeps an updated directory of local, state and national resources. Call us for information and referral at 843.225.5080.
At AccessAbility understand any transition can be hard. We want to help you remain determined and independent in your community. We provide the following services:
- Helping youth with disabilities in high school make the transition into adulthood
- Helping people with disabilities “diverge.” In other words, helping people with disabilities remain community-based.
- Helping people with disabilities successfully transition from institutional settings back into their communities.
- South Carolina Resources Directory
- Complete an Emergency Plan: Click here for a FEMA Book with great information
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